An overview of our programmes

All Study Central materials are designed and written to an individual's progress as they work through the National Curriculum.

We intend our materials to be used to supplement the teaching provided by schools and other providers - not replace it.

We do not use computers or other technology for delivering materials to students.. They need to be able to work things out on paper. Many learning platforms create a situation where work becomes an unsatisfactory mix, with any knowledge that is built not being able to be applied, answers having to be transferred from paper to screen etc. and without the opportunity to develop true functional skills.

All Study Central materials are printed and students are expected to write their answers, showing reasoning and working where appropriate and proof-reading all work before it is marked.

Maths for Primary

The materials associated with Key Stage 1 build confidence and fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value.  They cover the early use of the four operations, fractions, mathematical vocabulary and shape.  Practice is also given on number bonds, including to 20, time and money.

At lower Key Stage 2 this work continues, developing efficient written and mental methods of calculation with increasingly large numbers.  Problem solving, use of fractions and decimal place value are also reinforced.  Mathematical reasoning, including the connections between measure and number are consolidated.  Tables up to and including the 12 times table are, of course, key.

Upper Key Stage 2 materials help pupils to secure their understanding of the number system and its connections especially applied to fractions, decimals, percentage and ratio.  Practice work on problems uses arithmetic to start algebraic thinking. Knowledge of shape and geometry are consolidated.  Fluency in all operations, including long multiplication and division, is built alongside the correct use of mathematical vocabulary.

Preparation materials for KS2 tests are included.

English for Primary

The overarching aim of the English worksheets at Study Central is to encourage pupils to read a wide range of materials, fluently and with good understanding. They are helped to develop a wide vocabulary and a secure knowledge of grammar and punctuation. Tasks help them to develop their ability to write clearly, accurately and in styles to suit contexts, purposes and audiences. They practise planning their descriptions, creative writing and writing to persuade.

Key Stage 1 materials help pupils to develop their phonics and to practise all common graphemes, with the aim of helping them to read words without conscious sounding out. They meet and use common exception words in context to help increase fluency. 

Pupils practise understanding and retelling stories. They work with a range of stories, poems and non-fiction texts aimed at increasing vocabulary and comprehension. 

Tasks help students to practise writing sentences with good letter formation and develop skills to spell words that they have not yet learnt.

Key Stage 2 pupils practise reading for understanding, without necessarily decoding every word, developing independence and fluency.  They are helped to develop as writers through building vocabulary and improving sentence structure. They become comfortable working with a range of grammar, vocabulary and narrative structures.

Pupils build their spelling skills whilst learning new vocabulary. They work to identify shades of meaning and learn the vocabulary of grammar. Their use of language to suit situations, audiences and purposes is developed.

Pupils learn to express ideas in their own words, building language whilst working on a range of texts from stories to non-fiction. They build the skills to enable them to cope with the demands of a range of subjects.

KS3 and KS4 Mathematics

Key Stage 3 mathematics materials build on the skills developed for KS2, incorporating and developing them in the programmes for secondary students as appropriate. Materials consolidate understanding and fluency across the range of topics from the number system and place value, though algebra and proportionality to geometry and data handling.

Reasoning mathematically, and being able to demonstrate thinking, is developed alongside an increased understanding of the inter-relationship between algebraic and graphical analysis.  

Solving problems through a combination of knowledge, analytical thinking and not giving up is encouraged at every point.

Revision materials, appropriate for the end of KS3 provide thorough consolidation as a launch pad for KS4 study.

Moving into KS4, the priority is to ensure absolute understanding and fluency across the board so that students are able to acquit themselves well. With thorough syllabus coverage, practice of each topic continues at a rate and level to suit each individual. The key objective is for every student to be working at a level that truly reflects their potential and that allows them to achieve the best outcome of which they are capable.

Practice materials are, of course, used as needed to prepare for whichever exam board or level is appropriate.

KS3 and KS4 English

Key Stage 3 and 4 materials aim to consolidate and extend the work done for KS2. They encourage students to write clearly, accurately and coherently with an eye to context, purpose and audience. As they develop then so do the demands on them to understand nuances in meaning and different types of language.

The use of Standard English and a development of grammatical correctness is fostered throughout. 

Tasks encourage them to develop their thinking skills to be able to offer reasoned and balanced discussion, elaborating and explaining their ideas clearly and on paper. They develop their vocabulary and spelling skills as they go.  

A range of stimulus materials are offered, including classical texts, but the Study Central programme is primarily appropriate for English or English Language rather than Literature students.

Students work on drafting and proofing their own work, including evaluating their own achievements against marking schemes. They are encouraged to develop the stamina to work with and write increasingly long and complex texts.

 Revision materials at all levels up to GCSE are available and used as and when appropriate.

16+ Maths and English

At this level, the programmes are very specific to their purpose. This can range from very basic numeracy and literacy needs through functional skills to GCSE retakes.

The use of Study Central materials makes a flipped learning approach very simple and economic for the provider. Initial teaching, of this age group, may take place/ have taken place in many different ways. The materials provided enable students to consolidate and extend their established learning. The approach is, in some definitions, effectively e-learning without computers and without the common but unsatisfactory mixes that often arise on these platforms.  

With maths, for example, students need to be able to work things out on paper and not always with a calculator. Most e-learning platforms create a situation where it all becomes an unsatisfactory mix, with any knowledge that is built not being able to be applied, answers having to be transferred from paper to screen etc. and without the opportunity to develop true functional skills. Study Central provides straight forward practice on paper.

In the main students do not need staff support. It is good practice, however, to have a learning clinic available occasionally so they can ask questions if they need to do so. Students are automatically provided with “crib sheets” to help learning on any occasion that any problem is anticipated.
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